Marianopolis College

Law, Society
and Justice

Professor Jean-Michel Cohalan

Program Coordinator

Admissions office

How may we help you today?

Leadership and problem-solving using rigorous methodologies and analysis

The Law, Society and Justice concentration of the Social Science program focuses on the social, historical, economic, legal and political foundations of our modern world. How are societies organized? How are economic, political, and legal systems constructed and interconnected? How should we manage scarce resources? What is the difference between justice and law? These are some of the questions you will examine from a multidisciplinary perspective.

When applying to Law, Society and Justice, you will have the option to select LSJ (300.L1) or LSJ with Math (300. L2), which offers Differential Calculus and Linear Algebra in the place of two electives.


    If you are interested in the legal, political and economic systems that govern our country, if you want to better understand social inequities and be a champion for social change, then the Law, Society and Justice concentration is a perfect fit for you.

    If you are strong in math, consider choosing Law, Society and Justice with Math. You must meet the entrance requirement of 75% or higher in high school math TS or SN (both Sec IV and V).


    Yes, you can apply to the Honours Distinction in Social Science after your first semester and will be selected based on your academic standing and a letter of intent. If you are accepted into Honours, you will be enrolled in enriched sections of certain courses and you will get to engage more deeply with your program through various activities, including special guest lectures, site visits, group seminars, and social events.


    Law, Society and Justice is a great stepping stone for a wide variety of university programs, including studies in Law, Politics, Economics, International Development, and the Environment.

    Law, Society and Justice with Math, which includes Calculus 1 and Linear Algebra, also gives you access to most business programs in university.


    Law, Society and Justice (L1):

    • Quebec Diploma of Secondary Studies (Diplôme d’études secondaire) or its equivalent
    • English and French proficiency tests (in certain circumstances)
    • No additional pre-requisites
    • Overall minimum grade average of 75%

    Law, Society and Justice with Math (L2):

    • Quebec Diploma of Secondary Studies (Diplôme d’études secondaire) or its equivalent
    • English and French proficiency tests (in certain circumstances)
    • Secondary V Mathematics TS (064506, 564506) or Mathematics SN (065506, 565506)
    • Secondary IV and V Mathematics TS or Mathematics SN minimum grade of 75% in each
    • Overall minimum grade average of 75%

    For more information, consult the complete list of entrance requirements to Marianopolis College.

Semester Snapshots

Here is a look at the courses you will take, depending on whether your hold a certificate of eligibility for English-language education in Quebec. For more information about the certificate of eligibility, consult our FAQs.

  • Semester 1

    History of the Modern World
    Intellectual Methods
    Introduction to Political Science
    Introduction to Psychology
    Introduction to College English
    French Second Language
    Humanities: Knowledge or Worldviews
    Physical Education

  • Semester 2

    Qualitative Research
    Choose 2 Intro-Level Electives
    English Literary Genres
    French Second Language
    Physical Education

  • Semester 3

    Multidisciplinary Thematic
    Quantitative Analysis
    Choose 1 Upper-Level Elective
    Choose 1 Upper-Level Elective or Differential Calculus
    English Literary Themes
    French Second Language or Complementary
    Humanities: Knowledge or Worldviews
    Physical Education

  • Semester 4

    Integrative Project
    Choose 2 Upper-Level Electives
    Choose 1 Upper-Level Elective or Linear Algebra
    English Adapted to Program
    2 French Second Language or 1 Complementary
    Humanities: Ethics

  • Semester 1

    History of the Modern World
    Intellectual Methods
    Introduction to Political Science
    Introduction to Psychology
    Introduction to College English
    French Literature
    Physical Education

  • Semester 2

    Qualitative Research
    Choose 2 Intro-Level Electives
    English Literary Genres
    French Second Language
    Humanities: Knowledge or Worldviews
    Physical Education

  • Semester 3

    Multidisciplinary Thematic
    Quantitative Analysis
    Choose 1 Upper-Level Elective
    Choose 1 Upper-Level Elective or Differential Calculus
    English Literary Themes
    French Literature
    Humanities: Knowledge or Worldviews
    Physical Education

  • Semester 4

    Integrative Project
    Choose 2 Upper-Level Electives
    Choose 1 Upper-Level Elective or Linear Algebra
    English Adapted to Program
    Humanities: Ethics

Students in Law, Society and Justice with Math (300.L2) take Differential Calculus and Linear Algebra in the place of two Electives.

Sample list of Intro-Level Electives: Fundamentals of Business; Anthropology: Human Culture and Diversity; Geography: People, Places and Environments; Sociology: Individual and Society; Introduction to Religious Studies; Philosophy: The Just Society.

Sample list of Upper-Level Electives: Business and Social Responsibility; International Business; Anthropology: Indigenous peoples of North America; Anthropology: Race and Racism; Microeconomics; International Economics; Urban Geography Field Course; Environmental Geography; American History; Human Rights in History; International Relations; Politics of Climate Change; Developmental Psychology; Forensic Psychology; Sociology: Criminology; Sociology of Media; Fundamentals of Law.



Profile Highlights

The Social Science program at Marianopolis offers a unique and exciting pathway through a wide range of Social Science disciplines to help you build a more thorough and nuanced understanding of our complex world. Not only will you develop important analytical and methodological skills that will prepare you for a broad range of university programs, you will learn to become a more self-driven learner and an empowered and informed global citizen.

Our faculty from 10 different disciplines work closely together to ensure that students experience a highly integrative and fulfilling program of study. Our  team-taught Multidisciplinary Thematic courses introduce students to Sustainability and Citizenship from multiple perspectives, enabling them to explore and address various contemporary issues using a collaborative and integrated approach.

When applying to Law, Society and Justice, students will have the option to select LSJ (300. L1) or LSJ with Math (300. L2), which offers Differential Calculus and Linear Algebra in the place of two Social Science electives.

The Social Science Mentorship Program pairs students from any concentration with Marianopolis alumni studying or working in social science, business or law related fields. The program aims to cultivate lasting bonds between students and alumni and to provide students with guidance and skills that help them succeed as students, as professionals and as global citizens.


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“Coming from a French high school, I was the only one of my friends to make the transition to English studies. I can now gladly state that my expectations of Marianopolis were exceeded in every way. I have maintained my older friendships while building new ones that will last a lifetime. My classes were full of students who were ambitious, balanced and kind.”

Camille Joli-Coeur
Class of 2018, Social Science
Professor Jean-Michel Cohalan

Program Coordinator