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Le Grand Robert & Collins est le plus grand dictionnaire bilingue français / anglais, incluant des traductions des mots et des expressions, avec les traductions appropriées en contexte.
Le Petit Robert est un dictionnaire française comprenant 60 000 mots, 300 000 sens, 185 000 exemples d’emploi, l’étymologie, la phonétique, les synonymes, et les contraires. Contient également 35 000 citations littéraires.
Multidictionnaire de la langue française en ligne est une dictionnaire française qui intègre dans un seul outil tous les renseignements utiles sur l’orthographe, la grammaire, les difficultés, la conjugaison, la syntaxe, les anglicismes, la typographie, les québécismes, les abréviations, les interférences entre le français et l’anglais, et la correspondance.
Oxford English Dictionary, the premier dictionary of the English language, the Oxford English Dictionary, or OED for short, includes the modern definitions of words as well as details on their historical origins.
La virtrine linguistique, un accès rapide et unique pour obtenir des réponses à vos questions sur la langue française, des rubriques linguistiques, des termes et des définitions.
Encyclopedias and other reference sources
Britannica Academic, a general encyclopedia that contains brief information on a wide range of subjects.
Encyclopedia Universalis, a French-language general encyclopedia that contains brief information on a wide range of subjects.
First Research, a database of hundreds of continuously updated industry profiles, including everything from profiles of the automobile industry to the vending machine industry. It also has economic profiles for all of the Canadian provinces, as well as all of the American states.
Gale eBooks, a collection of over 300 specialized reference sources on a wide range of topics. Of particular interest is the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, The Encyclopedia Judaica, the New Catholic Encyclopedia, The African American Almanac, and the Encyclopedia of World Biography.
Salem Press Online, a platform for specialized reference works from Salem Press and Grey House Publishing. Our current Salem Press holdings include:
Magill’s Medical Guide, 9th & 8th editions, which covers disease, disorders, treatments, procedures, specialties, biology, and medical issues. Includes sidebars that address recent developments in medicine and concise information boxes for all diseases and disorders for quick reference;
Masterplots, 4th edition, with 2010-2018 supplement, a collection of 2,407 essays about English-language and world literature. Each essay examines a literary work in detail, giving plot synopses, critical theories about the work, and resources for further reading;
Notable African American Writers, 2nd edition, which includes 500 detailed author biographies, topical entries on their works, primary documents, and more;
Digital Literacy: Skills and Strategies, which provides a comprehensive collection of essays to help students, educators, and researchers understand the key and fundamental terms associated with digital literacy.
Oxford Art Online contains the entire Grove Art Encyclopedia, with peer-reviewed articles by nearly 7000 scholars around the world, with images, biographies, and links to additional resources.
Oxford Reference, a collection of more than 200 specialized reference titles on a wide range of academic disciplines.
Qurʾānic Studies Online, a collection of valuable resources for close readings of the Qur’ān.
Early Western Korans Online includes Korans and Koran translations, printed between 1537 and 1857, and demonstrates the impact of the holy book of Islam in Europe.
More reference sources
The Canadian Encyclopedia
Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles
Black Freedom Struggle in the United States