Marianopolis College

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Fostering student success

Information for parents

At Marianopolis, our aim is to deliver a transformative educational experience that prepares young adults to succeed at university and beyond. One of the ways we ease the transition from high school to higher education is by supporting the essential role that parents play in fostering student success. Here are tips on how to help your Marianopolis student succeed and make the most of their college experience. 

Be curious and expect change

Ask open-ended questions: what they are learning in their courses? What kind of work are they doing? Are they experiencing any challenges or difficulties? Discuss what university programs and careers interest them, whether they are involved in activities outside class and whether they have made new friends. College is a time of transformation and self-discovery. Promote flexibility in how they approach decisions and choices. Knowing that you are there to support them will help them better cope with any challenges they may face. 

Help them understand the academic expectations

Students are sometimes surprised at the amount of studying they need to do to succeed; they often need to spend much more time on their studies outside of class than they did in high school. As a general rule, we recommend that students devote approximately the same number of hours outside of class to each course as they spend in class. For example, for a course that is scheduled three hours per week, students should spend another three hours each week completing readings and assignments, reviewing notes, writing papers, and studying for tests. Students who devote time to their studies on a consistent basis can avoid much of the stress that comes with having multiple evaluations scheduled over a short time period.

Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students. Students who will miss class for religious reasons must inform their teacher at the beginning of the semester. If they will be absent for medical reasons, they must provide advance notice when possible and may be required to show medical documentation. Students who are absent for three or more consecutive days should send a message in Omnivox (MIO) to Rosella Ambrosi in the Office of the Associate Dean, Student Success.

Students can also consult an Academic Advisor to discuss the possibility of dropping courses and taking a reduced course load; the Advisor will discuss the student’s reasons for wanting to drop a course and the consequences of doing so, such as an extra semester or summer courses. The course drop deadline is September 18 in the Fall 2024 semester and February 13 in the Winter 2025 semester.  A second course drop deadline, at 60% of the semester, is October 31 for the Fall 2024 semester and April 3 in the Winter 2025 semester.

If a student obtains a failing grade in a course, the grade will remain on the transcript permanently. If the course is re-taken and passed, the passing grade appears as a separate entry on the transcript. Students who have failed or are at risk of failing a course should consult an Academic Advisor to understand the consequences and to establish a plan for progressing through the rest of their program of studies.

Remind them to stay informed

Omnivox is a web-based platform where students can access important documents from the College, messages from their teachers and staff, information about their courses and important dates and deadlines. Through Omnivox, students also access LEA, the class-management platform, where they find information about their courses such as outlines and instructions, as well as assignments and grades on individual evaluations throughout the semester. Omnivox is also where final grades are posted at the end of each semester. Students should consult Omnivox daily.

Student and parents should be familiar with the College’s academic calendar, including holidays and the final exam period. The schedule for exams that are held during the final exam period will be made available to students six weeks prior to the last day of the semester. Please be sure to check the final exam schedule before making family travel plans and do not schedule any trips to begin until after your child’s last exam.

Encourage them to seek help if needed

Encourage your child to take advantage of the many services that can help them explore, learn, grow, and succeed:

  • Academic Advisors help with questions about students’ programs, courses, and university applications and scholarships, and they work with students to develop time management, organizational, and study skills that will help them across subjects
  • Counsellors can discuss mental-health and personal issues, and help students explore career choices
  • Teachers are available during weekly office hours for help in understanding course material
  • Peer tutoring is available in several subjects if students need extra help in a particular course
  • Librarians offer research support both in person as well as online through LibAnswers

See the full list of support services.

Encourage them to get involved

Enrichment and extracurricular activities offer important learning opportunities that complement more formal education. Such activities promote self-discovery and help students develop and strengthen skills such as leadership, creativity, goal-setting, teamwork, time-management and problem-solving while contributing to a sense of belonging and providing the opportunity to explore new interests. Depending on their interests, students can participate in one or more of the over 100 clubs that are formed each year.

The College also offers a wealth of athletics and recreational activities. Every Marianopolis student is eligible to join or create an intramural team, and tryouts take place every year to form intercollegiate teams. Student athletes classified as Espoir, Relève, Élite or Excellence by their sports federation can register with Sport-Études for support in balancing their academic and training schedule to allow them to continue their athletic training and competitions while completing their studies at Marianopolis.